May 27, 2021

Lacking Inspiration [67/365]

Tonight, I was having a hard time coming up with something to write about. I have been working all day, not really thinking about more than those technical details and I am left with no inspiration. Then I remembered that yesterday, I wrote about leaning into your obstacles to find support for you to grow. So I did, and this lack of inspiration turned into the topic I was looking for. Read more

May 21, 2021

Letting Ideas Simmer [61/365]

Any complex enough problem will take time to solve. You’ll probably focus on it for a long time, and maybe even get so lost in it that you don’t even make progress anymore. You just go in circles. In that case, take a step back. When you do, your mind will have to stop focusing, and you’ll be able to take a look around. Notice what is there. It may hold the key for you to solve your problem. Read more

May 1, 2021

Challenges Ideas [42/365]

I just want to list a few ideas of challenges that I could get running: 365 days writing challenge 365 days anti-procrastination challenge 365 days twitter challenge 365 days design challenge 365 days coding challenge Those obviously need some marketing rework (this could also be a challenge, the 365 days marketing challenge), but there are quite a lot to do with that. Also, 365 days may not make sense in some cases. Read more

April 21, 2021

Dealing With Ideas [32/365]

I get quite a lot of ideas of business to develop. That makes me want to keep hopping from project to project, because the new one is always more shiny that the previous one. Some ideas are completely new, some others come back to me after a bit. While I decided to focus only on Requeme right now, I still want to deal with those ideas, especially if they keep coming back. Read more

April 2, 2021

Finding Ideas [13/365]

Writing everyday means trying to find an original idea for me to develop every morning. I do write some ideas down to reflect upon them, but I sometimes do not have anything remaining in this list. So I have to take some time to find a topic I can talk about, which can be quite hard. This is probably because I am only at the beginning of this writing journey. From what I understand, finding and expanding ideas on my own will become more natural and easy. Read more

Copyright Marin Gilles 2019-2022