May 19, 2021

Reflecting on Myself [59/365]

At times, one has to stop and reflect on their actions. Is that really who I want to be ? Is this action really what will make me happy, today and for the coming years ? Am I doing something useful ? I forced myself today to stop and think about those questions. I don’t like the answers I got. Because of that, I am doing some writing for myself, to make things clearer, to define strategies to counter my shortcomings and start becoming someone I can actually be proud of. Read more

May 18, 2021

Missed a Day [58/365]

Yesterday, I did not see the time fly by and missed a day of writing. And that’s ok. I’m now getting back up from it, and will keep going with the challenge. There are multiple reasons that I missed this day. First, I was focusing on my day job, and just did not see the time go by. I also took some time to relax which had the same effect. On top of this, I am not seeing any progress from this challenge in terms of traffic, and it really feels like a waste. Read more

May 16, 2021

A New Approach [57/365]

Well, I don’t think anymore that this 365 days of side project challenge is of any interest to people out there. Maybe I’m wrong, it is not really well validated. But I have not done it, so I don’t think I have any place to be doing that. So I’ll focus instead on learning and teaching at the same time, and I’ll start with a problem that I actually have. Read more

May 15, 2021

Your First Goals [56/365]

When you are just getting started, you probably just set yourself a very random goal, like “I want to get to 1000 Twitter followers”, or “I want to get 10k people visiting my website”. Those are vanity metrics. Are they useful ? It depends on what you want to achieve. If your ultimate goal is to become big on Twitter, then yes, that is useful. If you want to create a company, not so much. Read more

May 13, 2021

The Results of Rest [54/365]

Resting has been so beneficial for me those last two days. I does not mean that I have been sleeping all day (quite hard with a kid), but taking time completely off any kind of work has helped me a lot. It relieved a lot of pressure I did not really notice before. I slept much better, and felt more energized. In the last months / years, when I was not working at my day job, I was pretty much always thinking about my side projects. Read more

Copyright Marin Gilles 2019-2022