November 1, 2020

Extra Toughts About Startyk

I really want to take startyk in the direction of helping bloggers, especially those starting out, getting discovered. But there are some points to keep in mind.

First is about content quality. While I can try to bring some exposure to the bloggers, I cannot bring quality to their own content. Without it, they will not be able to create an audience that is really interested in what they have to say. Startyk will be a facilitator, but I also want to help writers improve. First, by directing them to other great writers, or great courses about writing. Then, from experience, once I get to a level where I feel I am a good enough writer to do so.

I also want a network to emerge from Startyk. Which is why I want writers to have the opportunity to recommend other blogs to their own writers. Not only the readers will get content they find interesting and has been validated by someone they know, but it could also lead to collaborations between writers, helping each other grow.

Finally, I want readers to be able to rate blog posts that have not integrated with Startyk. This way, they can be discovered more easily, and the writers could get more visibility through this. I don’t know if any writer would not want this visibility, but in this case, then they will have the option to become hidden in Startyk. The freedom of readers and writers is of utmost importance to me, and how they handle their content is up to them.

Let’s keep going, and get the first iteration ready for you to try out !

Copyright Marin Gilles 2019-2022