April 10, 2021

Digital Garden [21/365]

I had heard before about the term digital garden, but I did not explore it very much. Yesterday, I took the time to read a bit more about this.

I like this idea because it becomes your personal resource, that is made by you for you. It is thus easy to look into, without having to go to the depths of the internet once again for something you have already taken the time to research, even on the surface.

It allows you to keep all those links that you found useful some day and would like to revisit in the future.

As in a real garden, you will get some weeds in your digital garden, in the form of links or ideas that are not useful anymore and just clutter the space. It is a daily practice to take out the weeds, and make sure only the core information is there.

With a sprawling garden, you can more easily make connections, write new content, identify your passions, remember code snippets.

It can help you learn much better for two reasons. First, writing down about a topic as if you were explaining it will raise questions that you did not know that you had, giving you a much better understanding of it. Second, if you do this process in public, others can contribute and point out mistakes in your thinking. That’s learning in public and it makes this process invaluable.

The idea of the digital garden goes a bit against my current daily challenge, since posts would be organized by topic, and absolutely not by date. But maybe a blog for this is not a good enough place. I like what Notion is doing because it allows some form of such organization, but I do not own it so it is a bit worrisome to me. I will think how I want to get it started, but at least getting ideas out on this blog is a first good practice.

Copyright Marin Gilles 2019-2022