I took an attempt at creating a Vimscript function to rename a file with a simple command. It was not that hard, but there are a few tricks that you need to learn to get started writing Vimscript.
Let’s first look at the full code for the function, with a mapping to
function! s:RenameCurrentFile( newName )
let l:file = expand('%')
let l:currentFilePath = expand('%:p:h')
let l:newFile = l:currentFilePath . '/' . a:newName
" Save new file
execute "saveas " . l:newFile
" Open new file in a new buffer
execute "e " . l:newFile
" Kill old buffer
execute "bdelete " . l:file
" Remove old file
call delete(l:file)
command! -nargs=1 -complete=file RenameCurrentFile call s:RenameCurrentFile(<f-args>)
nnoremap <leader>fr :RenameCurrentFile
The first thing that had me bumped was how to use saveas
. You have to
a string that you create with the proper arguments, and there is no
function for that. All commands that you would type after a colon (like edit
or bdelete
, in this example) will have to be executed this way.
To use a function, you cannot just write its name, and you have to actually
To make use of this function, you have to create a command that can be used,
which will be called using :RenameCurrentFile <new name>
. To pass arguments
to the command, use the -nargs=1
and <f-args>
pair (:help :command-nargs
:help f-args
). Using the -complete=file
flag allows to complete filenames,
which may be useful for a renaming function.
I quite like the idea of namespacing with the prefixes. s:
for script
variable, l:
for function variable, a:
for argument variable.
I would have liked to be able to create a mapping that got me the file name along with the command, so that I could just modify it, but I was not able to find the way to do it.
In the end, I am using Tpope’s vim-eunuch, just because I trust the plugin author, the rename function is better implemented, and there are other interesting functions to work with files. And if you still want to use this function, be aware that there are no checks here that the file was actually written before being deleted, so you may want to make a few improvements to ensure not to lose any work.