November 11, 2022

What I Am Interested About

In my previous post, I urged you to start by writing on topics you are interested about. I will be doing the same. My goal is to learn about some new topics, mostly tech related, and be able to teach them. Here is a small list of what I want to be writing about Introduction to Rust for web development Introduction to Elm Creating a web appliation with Rust and Elm Coding patterns Making Rust builds faster Making your personal website with Rust What I learn reading SICP There probably are a lot already written on the topic, which is ok. Read more

November 11, 2022

You don't need to start with a niche

For the last few years, I've been trying to find a topic to actually work on to develop a side project. I had quite a few ideas, but always got stuck on the "find people and understand their needs part", because I did not know people in the domain to talk to, nor could I find those people online. You need a way to get people to discover you. Read more

May 28, 2021

Tired but Not Down [68/365]

There are days where you’ll be feeling really tired, and won’t want to keep doing anything. That’s fine. Everyone has such days. It does not mean you’re stopping, it just means you need a break. Take the time to rest, to get better. It’s your body’s way of telling you that you should take it easy for a bit. This time is as important as the time you get down to work. Read more

May 26, 2021

Enjoying Hardships [66/365]

At times in your life, you will feel like you’re faced with a lot of obstacles that prevent you to make forward progress. It could be your job, your family situation, lack of money, lack of network. There are thousands of reasons you can find. Instead of seeing those as obstacles, try to turn them on their head and make them a positive. You have little time to work on your side project after work ? Read more

May 19, 2021

Reflecting on Myself [59/365]

At times, one has to stop and reflect on their actions. Is that really who I want to be ? Is this action really what will make me happy, today and for the coming years ? Am I doing something useful ? I forced myself today to stop and think about those questions. I don’t like the answers I got. Because of that, I am doing some writing for myself, to make things clearer, to define strategies to counter my shortcomings and start becoming someone I can actually be proud of. Read more

Copyright Marin Gilles 2019-2022