March 17, 2022

Using cargo-edit to simplify dependency management

Getting back into Rust, I want to start documenting my journey to getting a small service running. The first "problem" I had to solve was to add dependencies to the project. The official method is to add the dependencies manually in your Cargo.toml file. However, this is not convenient, and could lead to errors quite easily. Thankfully, you can make this easier using cargo-edit. This will let you add, remove, upgrade dependencies or set-version of your crate. Read more

September 20, 2021

Creating for Learning (and Profit)

In the past two years, I have tried to create projects, validate product ideas, setup landing pages, develop my following, without success. Two years of learning Reflecting on this, I see now that it was not because I was using the wrong methods. It was a lack of focus. Not because I was not interested in what I was doing, but I always ended up doubting that the end product would be useful, and that anyone would ever buy it. Read more

June 2, 2021

Doing One Thing [71/365]

To make progress, one of the best solution is to focus on one single thing. For me right now, I have my day job, this daily writing, and I want to create a project that can help me become independent. This is too much. Since I have a family to take care of, I cannot just quit my job. I have committed to this daily writing for a year, so it is hard for me to quit that. Read more

June 1, 2021

Not Giving Up [70/365]

I’ve missed a few days of writing. To be very honest, that’s discouraging. It’s not been easy to choose to continue writing, I almost just gave up. Not because it is so hard, but because I did not stay in the challenge rules. Falling is part of life. If I stop just because I fell a few times, I’ll never properly walk, even less run. So I’ll keep writing, even if I missed some days and that the streak is dead. Read more

May 30, 2021

Tunnel Vision [69/365]

There are those times where you are so focused on what you’re doing (or what you want to do), that you forget some other tasks that you had planned. This was the case once more for me yesterday. I was focused (although not on something productive), and completely forgot about writing my daily post. I have been struggling about this for a while now, and I don’t think there is a perfect solution. Read more

Copyright Marin Gilles 2019-2022