May 26, 2021

Enjoying Hardships [66/365]

At times in your life, you will feel like you’re faced with a lot of obstacles that prevent you to make forward progress. It could be your job, your family situation, lack of money, lack of network. There are thousands of reasons you can find. Instead of seeing those as obstacles, try to turn them on their head and make them a positive. You have little time to work on your side project after work ? Read more

May 25, 2021

Focus Is Key [65/365]

In everything I do, there is one thing that can stop me completely from even trying: The fear of being disturbed. I think that once I focus on a task, I can just take it, slice it up, and get it done very quickly. The problem is to get to the focused state. If I get a message, or a notification every 5 minutes, it just will not be possible for me to get down to it. Read more

May 24, 2021

Easy Is Hard [64/365]

There are 3 levels of mastery of anything. First, you know nothing, and explaining the topic is only done in simple terms, shallowly, thus you get a simplistic explanation out. Then, at the intermediate level, you understand the topic better, but you can only explain it in complicated terms, in a long form way. Last, you get to a deep understanding of the topic. You understand the complicated parts, but are able to explain them in simple terms, and make most people understand it. Read more

May 23, 2021

Risks and Rewards [63/365]

You sometimes will have to take risks. Creating a new company, quitting your job, investing in cryptocurrencies, asking someone out. You take those risks because you are confident that the upside is worth more than the downside. But make sure to re-evaluate this balance often, if the risk is continuous. If you get to a point where you won’t be able to feed your family anymore, it may be time to dial down your risk exposure. Read more

May 22, 2021

The Feynman Learning Technique [62/365]

The Feynman technique is a way to learn at a very fast pace while retaining quite a lot of information about the topic. It focuses on teaching and getting feedback from this teaching to improve further your understanding of the topic. There are 4 steps to this technique: Choose a concept to learn Pretend that you are teaching it to someone else Identify where you got stuck or where your understanding is lacking and learn more about that Organize your material and make your explanations simpler The goal of this method is to get to understand the topic to the point where you can explain it to someone who knows nothing about it and have them understand the concepts. Read more

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